Saturday, November 10, 2007

Friday, November 9, 2007

Van Rijn, Rembrandt: The Sacrifice of Abraham, 1634

Raphael: The Transfiguration, 1520

Raphael: St. John the Baptist, c. 1518

Raphael: St. George and the Dragon, 1504

Poussin, Nicolas: Venus Presents Arms to Aeneas, 1639

Pontormo: Madonna and Child with Saints, 1518

Memling, Hans: The Last Judgment, 1471

Mantegna, Andrea: The Lamentation over the Dead Christ, 1490

David, Jacques-Louis: The Death of Bara, 1794

David, Jacques-Louis: Leonidas at Thermopylae, 1814

Eworth, Hans: Portrait of Edward, Prince of Wales, 16th c.

Holbein The Younger, Hans: Portrait of Sir Thomas More, 1527

Reni, Guido: The Archangel Michael, c. 1635

Guercino: David with the Head of Goliath, 17th c.

di Paolo, Giovanni: The Annunciation, 15th c.

Fragonard, Jean-Honore: The Swing, 1767

Monday, November 5, 2007

Gainsborough, Thomas: The Blue Boy, c. 1770

El Greco: The Disrobing of Christ, 1579

Durer, Albrecht: Adoration of the Trinity, 1511

Durer, Albrecht: Alliance Coat of Arms of the Durer And Holper Families, 1490

Durer, Albrecht: Emperor Charlemagne, c. 1512

di Buoninsegna, Duccio: Madonna with Child, c. 14th cent.

de La Tour, Georges: The Penitent Magdalene, 1643

de La Tour, Georges: St. Joseph, 1642

da Vinci, Leonardo: The Virgin and Child with St. Anne, c. 1508

Cranach, Lucas the Elder: The Crucifixion, 1503

Correggio, Antonio da: The Nativity, c. 1530

Constable, John: Salisbury Cathedral from the Meadows, 1829

Clouet, Francois: Portrait of King Charles IX of France, 1561

Lorrain, Claude: The Embarkation of the Queen of Sheba: 1648

Chardin, Jean-Baptiste-Simeon: Boy with a Top, c. 1735

Titian: Pietà, 1575

Titian: Assunta, 1518

Caracci, Annibale: Assumption of the Virgin Mary, 1590